Harding Elementary School

Haring Elementary is a public school that shares the intersection of 6th and Chestnut Streets with St. Luke’s. As some of their closest neighbors, we feel a responsibility to help support the students, faculty, and staff of this fine institution.

Here are some ways you can help:

Volunteer for Tutoring:

First and foremost, Harding Elementary needs additional volunteers to tutor students one-on-one or with small groups. The subject matter is basic reading and math skills. St. Luke’s parishioner Kathy Yohn has been volunteering at Harding in this capacity for several years. Kathy wrote about her tutoring experience at Harding in the July 2023 edition of The Angelus. Tutoring volunteers must undergo the standard criminal background checks and clearances that is required of all school-based volunteers. Harding will help you navigate that process. Once complete, you will be paired with a specific teacher and undergo some basic training and decide on a schedule that works for you. If you would like to sign up to become a tutoring volunteer at Harding or would like to learn more, please complete the online form here. 

Donate Backpacks / Contribute to St. Luke’s Harding School Fund:

Eighty-four percent of students at Harding Elementary live in poverty. As such, many students come to school in need of the basics like a backpack. As part of our “Blessing of the Backpacks” service scheduled for 10:30AM on August 25, 2024, we are asking you to consider bringing donations of new backpacks to this service. The backpacks will receive a blessing at this service and then donated to Harding Elementary in time for the first day of school on August 26. If you can donate a backpack to this effort, remember – kids are tough on backpacks – spending a little more on better quality will likely go a long way.

Additionally, Harding students need various emergency personal care items throughout the year that are administered by the school nurse. Unfortunately, the school’s budget for such items is extremely limited. To help with this, St. Luke’s is establishing a Harding School Fund that will be reserved for the purpose of helping the school nurse provide these items to students. St. Luke’s will coordinate with the school nurse to purchase items as needed throughout the school year.

If you would like to contribute to this fund, you can either mail a check to St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, 22 S 6th Street, Lebanon, PA 17042 with “Harding School Fund” in the subject line, or contribute online via our PayPal account at the “Donate” button below. [IMPORTANT NOTE – If paying via PayPal, please click on the optional “Write a Note” feature under the dollar amount and write “Harding School Fund” in the box to ensure this online donation is directed to the correct account.]

Support the Angel Tree Project and Other Future Efforts:

St. Luke’s will again partner with Harding Elementary School on the Angel Tree project – purchasing Christmas presents for Harding families in need. To participate, please choose one or more names from the tree in the sanctuary during Advent. Additionally, St. Luke’s is exploring the idea of hosting a teacher in-service luncheon for the faculty and administration of Harding Elementary.  More information to come on these initiatives.