The Trumpet En Chemade boldly announces the recessional.
Regular Service Schedule
Saturday Evening
5:00 PM: Vigil Eucharist (Sunday Texts)
- A less formal celebration
- Monthly cycles of Celtic (1st week) and Taizé (3rd week) liturgies alternating with informal/mediative worship
- Celebrated in the Lady Chapel (Church – North transept)
8:00 AM: Holy Eucharist.
- Rite I (Rite II during Eastertide)
- A recited Eucharist
10:30 AM: Holy Eucharist.
- Rite II (Rite I during Lent)
- A sung Eucharist.
- Special Summer Music Programming.
- This service is webcast live.
6:00 PM: Evensong
- Periodic Evensong.
- September through June as scheduled.
- On many occasions, a concert or recital follows at 7 PM.
- For current schedule and more information, click here.
10 AM: Midweek Eucharist and Service of Healing.
10 AM: Midweek Eucharist and Service of Healing.
- This service is celebrated in Trinity Chapel in the Parish Hall (enter on 6th Street – red doors or by rear parking lot where accessible parking is available).