Friday – Second Week in Lent

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A daily Lenten e-mail with lessons of hope and courage, inspired by a variety of resources to encourage us in these confusing and turbulent times from St. Luke’s Church, Lebanon.

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Friday – Second Week in Lent

It’s hard enough having a spiritual awakening, going through all the realizations and transformation; only to be confronted with fear, rejection, worry, and even ridicule from those who we should be able to depend upon.

It seems worse when it involves family members who profess to be religious. Our spiritual awakening throws our own beliefs outside of their comfort zone, and this can cause family members or friends to fear that we are tangling ourselves up in something terrible. Of course this is not the case. Rather, we are finding our way to what we understand to be truth in love and understanding. We are discovering our truly infinite spiritual nature and the nature of reality.

We do change during spiritual awakening: our ego is falling away; our priorities are shifting; we are earnestly seeking where we ought to be in the world. But parents, brothers, sisters, and friends fear this kind of change and often suspect there is something very wrong. They have not accepted these changes in us to be necessary ones. This is often the root of their fear.

They notice changes, and they feel like they are losing the one they love. They miss the old “you.” You can show them that you are still essentially the same kind and genuine person, but simply evolving. You will still be there for them. In fact, you may be able to love them even more deeply.

Individuals who have discovered deep spiritual insight have frequently been rejected. In the lessons appointed for the day, we see this in the story of Joseph and his brothers. And then Jesus describes the inevitable rejection that he will experience.

We can expect nothing less is we allow the power of God’s Spirit to transform us. But we need not live in fear because of it.

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Scripture Lessons appointed for the day
(Click on the lesson for the text)
Genesis 37:3–4,12–28
Matthew 21:33–43
Psalm 105:16–22

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“When you give yourself permission to communicate what matters to you in every situation you will have peace despite rejection or disapproval. Putting a voice to your soul helps you to let go of the negative energy of fear and regret.”
― Shannon L. Alder
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Rejection isn’t the end . . .

What can my feelings of rejection teach me?
Do I believe that God could ever abandon me?
Where can I grow because I have experienced rejection?

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Psalm 34 : The Cry Of The Poor
By John Foley, SJ

The Orchard Music (on behalf of OCP)
BMI – Broadcast Music Inc.,
Hexacorp (music publishing), and 2 Music Rights Societies
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Do you want to tell God how you feel today? Take a moment to find a quiet place and make a prayer to God. Allow yourself to feel what you feel. The Lord invites you to bring your worries and sorrow to him (Matthew 11:28-30).

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Source: Rector’s Blog

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