One of the treasures of the Anglican tradition, evensong is a service of sung evening prayer. Lasting a little less than an hour, this service is a wonderful way to end the day or begin the week.
Evensong is a completely sung Vespers service preserved through the centuries in English cathedrals and college chapels. A vast amount of literature was written for this daily service, and we are privileged to share some of it with you. We are the only church in this area outside of major cities (New York, Philadelphia, Washington) to sing regular Evensong, and we invite you to experience this with us.
In addition to our Evensong services, we also offer regular concerts of outstanding local, regional, and national artists, most of which are free, and all of which are open to the public.
New for 2024: St. Luke’s is proud to announce our new “Friends of Music” initiative. Click here to read more; click here to donate.
Recordings of our Evensongs and many of our concert offerings are available on our YouTube Channel.
Schedule of Evensong Services for 2024-2025
October 20 at 4 PM – St. Luke’s Day
November 3 at 4 PM – Solemn Requiem Mass
December 8 at 4 PM – Second Sunday in Advent (Held in the auditorium.)
January 12 at 4 PM – Feast of the Baptism of the Lord
February 9 at 4 PM – Fifth Sunday after Epiphany (Held in the auditorium.)
March 9 at 4 PM – First Sunday in Lent
April 13 at 4 PM – Passion (Palm) Sunday (Held in the auditorium.)
May 11 at 4 PM – Fourth Sunday of Easter
June 8 at 4 PM – Pentecost
Schedule of Concerts for 2024 – 2025
October 20 at 5 PM – Organ Recital featuring Wesley Parrott
Winner of several national competitions, Wesley Parrott joins us to open our 2024-2025 Season. As part of our St. Luke’s Day festivities, he will perform on the parish’s Austin Organ in the main church. No admission. Freewill offerings accepted. Reception to follow.
November 3 at 4 PM – Solemn Requiem Mass
The texts of the Requiem Mass have provided inspiration for many composers through the ages. Strictly speaking, our celebration is not a formal concert but a beautiful worship service. The beauty of this liturgy can be enjoyed by all regardless of one’s faith or belief. Held in the main church. No admission. Freewill offerings accepted.
December 15 at 3 PM – Lebanon County Choral Society Concert
Join the talented members of the Lebanon community for their winter concert offering, “Sure on This Silent Night,” featuring the music of . Tickets are available in advance from members of the LCCS, St. Luke’s Church, or at the door. Tickets are required for this event; please visit www.LCCSmusic.org for details.
February 1 at 7 PM – Traditional Irish Music Session
This will be a wonderful evening of traditional Irish music led by Chris Brennan Hagey, Kathy DeAngelo, and Dennis Gormley, a talented trio of Philadelphia musicians. No admission. Freewill offerings accepted. Preceded by a fundraising dinner. Reception to follow.
March 1 at 7 PM – Ben Mauger’s Vintage Jazz Band
We’re thrilled to welcome back our favorite Dixieland band for Mardi Gras. 7 PM. No admission. Freewill offerings accepted. Preceded by a fundraising dinner. Reception to follow.
May 17 at 7 PM – Central PA Womyn’s Chorus
The ensemble brings together a diverse group of womyn’s voices for choral offerings from wide range of styles, including classical, folk, jazz, and more. No admission. Freewill offerings accepted. Reception to follow.
June 1 at 3 PM – HGMC
Founded in 1987 as The Harrisburg Gay Men’s Chorus, HGMC entertains the South-Central Pennsylvania region with a musical message of acceptance and joy. No admission. Freewill offerings accepted. Reception to follow.