Altar Guild


The reredos of the high altar fitted for Christmas celebrations.

The Psalmist reminds us to “worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.” (Psalm 96:9)

Clearly beauty and holiness are deeply connected. The Altar Guild at St. Luke’s is a community of women and men who take responsibility for maintaining the beauty of the physical elements of worship: luster of the brass and silverware, as well as the hangings, flowers, and fair linens. We form teams of two or three that work together on monthly schedule. Each team is responsible for the high altar in the church proper (Sunday and holydays) as well as the chapel (midweek service) in the parish hall. They are also responsible for setting up as needed for the weekly Saturday vigil service.

New members join and existing team as an “apprentice” so that each learns the ins and outs of this important ministry. Handbooks, printed guides, and special instructions are housed in the vesting sacristy in the church and area always available for easy reference. If you would like join our Altar Guild, please contact the parish office at (717) 272-8251 or email us at You can also use the “Contact Us” feature of this website.