2024 “Church in the Park”

Beginning on SUNDAY, JUNE 9th at 10:30 AM. we will gather outdoors for one of our Sunday services. As has now become our custom, in each of the summer months we will gather for worship at an outdoor location. As we move about the geographical areas of the parish, we will give witness to our community’s resilience and vibrant spiritual life as we invite others to join us in an upbeat and joyous celebration. We will also remind ourselves of the importance of Creation Care (environmental stewardship) as we experience the abiding presence of God in our physical environment outside the walls of the nave. In addition to our worship, a limited fellowship opportunity with light refreshments will be available.

Here’s the schedule – mark your calendars now:

JUNE 9th PARISH PICNIC – North Lebanon Municipal Park

725 Kimmerlings Rd, Lebanon, PA

St. Luke’s will provide hamburgers, hot dogs, hamburger barbecue, and paper goods.  We are asking for donations of salads, side dishes, fruit, and desserts. Please sign up HERE to let us know what you plan to share so we can have a nice variety! Please also bring any serving utensils needed for your dish.

JULY 14th: Coleman Park – City of Lebanon

AUGUST 18th   – Cleona Playground – 251 S. Garfield St. – Cleona, PA

On the days of Church in the Park, we will also have an 8 AM service of the  Holy Eucharist in the church.

So, dust off your lawn chairs! God is doing a new thing among us in the power of the Holy Spirit!

Watch for more information as each occasion draws near.