The St, Luke’s Music Program invites you to participate in a 4-week education workshop designed to teach the basics of reading and singing hymns which is being offered during Advent 2023. The workshop is designed especially for beginners who may have many questions about how to sing hymns: What are notes? What do they tell us to do? How does one know when to sing faster or slower? What is rhythm? How does one know where the words go? Why do we choose the hymns that we choose? Is there an appropriate time to sing louder or softer?
During Advent, we invite you to join us on Tuesday evenings learn the basics of reading and singing hymns. Two principal sources of music will be used to teach during the workshop: first, we will study the hymns that we will sing on the Sunday morning following each Tuesday class. Second, we will study a new set of Morning Canticles (Kyrie Eleison, Sanctus, Agnus Dei), which will be featured on all Sundays during Advent as well as a set of Evening Canticles (Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis) that will be featured during the Advent Evensong. Although it is not required, attending the Sunday services associated with the classes will greatly augment the classroom lessons.
Basic concepts of music that will be taught include rhythm (note types and values, meter, tempo) and intervals as well as basic singing techniques (posture, breathing, pitch). More intermediate concepts will certainly come up and will be explained as they arise.
This is a completely beginner course and perspective participants only need to have an open mind for learning and an interest for music basics to feel successful. Participants will be invited to sing along with examples when led by the Instructor and the piano but there is no pressure to sing unless fully comfortable. There is no cost to participate, and you do not need to attend St. Luke’s.
Program Details
When: Tuesdays proceeding Advent Sundays (November 28, December 5, 12, and 19) from 5:30 to 6:45 PM.
Where: St. Luke’s Church, Lebanon, Choir Room
Instructor: Jason Yannuzzi, CAGO, St. Luke’s Choirmaster
How: Register here.
Materials: All materials will be provided for the Workshop