St. Luke’s Episcopal Church will offer a Solemn Choral Evensong for Transfiguration Sunday on February 11 at 6:00 PM.
This Evensong will be an intimate service of sung and recited scripture contemplating the transfiguration of Jesus in the presence of the prophets Moses and Elijah. Also on this occasion, the Church observes the last use of the “Alleluia” before the reflective liturgical season of Lent begins on the following (Ash) Wednesday.
The St. Luke’s Festival Choir will offer the Preces and Responses of Jason Yannuzzi; Psalm 114 set by Terry Heisey; the Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis of F. H. Shera; “Transfiguration,” an anthem by Joel Martinson; and “Alleluia” by William Boyce. This particular liturgy will be offered in the St. Luke’s Auditorium to take advantage of its spectacular acoustics, and will feature both the church’s Moller tracker organ and the Steinway piano. Jason Yannuzzi will lead the Festival Choir and Terry Heisey will accompany.
Evensong is a completely sung Vespers service preserved through the centuries in English cathedrals and college chapels. A vast amount of literature was written for this daily service. St. Luke’s is the only church in this area outside of major cities (New York, Philadelphia, and Washington) to sing regular Evensong.
All St. Luke’s Evensongs are free and open to the public. A freewill offering will be taken.